Ocala Wedding — Published Articles — Krisandra Evans Photography

Now Offering NO Travel Fees for Central Florida Weddings!

Ocala Wedding

No Travel Fees | Central Florida Wedding Photographer | Ocala Wedding Photographer

The time has come! To come home!

Not permanent or anything like that, but more frequently. See, my Mom and Grandmother live in Ocala, Florida. While I go and visit them (depending on my wedding season) every three to six months (plus Thanksgiving and Christmas) I thought it would be fun to photograph more Central Florida weddings giving me the opportunity to visit with them more often.

Now what does this have to do with you?!

This means NO travel fees for Central Florida weddings. We both win in this situation. I get to stay with my Mom and Grandma, so you don’t have to pay for travel. You get an amazing Atlanta wedding photographer for the price of an amazing Central Florida wedding photographer! My Atlanta prices will carry over to any Florida weddings I book.

A little about my Florida background.

My family moved to Ocala, Florida from Chicago, Illinois when I was like young, like 2 or 3 young. I still drive through the old neighborhood when I visit my Mom and Grandma. My childhood house seems SO small now that I’m an adult.



I am in touch with my best friend growing up in that neighborhood. Her name is Denise and she lives in MA. We ran into each other, consequently, a few years ago in Las Vegas and had to get a drink together. It had been like 20 years since we seen each other.

I went to high school and college in Central Florida, but left the state in 2006 to attend and pursue my photography dreams at school in MA. After graduation, my boyfriend who I also met in Ocala and I made the choice to move to Atlanta so he could start the further pursuing of his career in tattooing. 8 years later he opened his own tattoo studio!

Actually, today is the 3 year anniversary of him opening Gate City Tattoo.


We both made sacrifices in order for both of us to achieve our dreams. **side note: My boyfriend James and have been together for 19 years this coming December. Anyway.. I feel like it’s finally time to spread my wings photographically and photograph some amazing Spanish moss, natural springs, and beach weddings of my old stomping grounds!

This does not mean I am booking any less in Atlanta! I am still booking and will always be booking here in Atlanta, but see Florida doesn’t technically have a Winter season and it would be cool to also use the 3 months of ice we get here to be in a more warm location still photographing weddings!

Wait, does that make me a workaholic? or just in love with photographing weddings? I am going with the second, haha.



The NO travel fees is generated toward any location roughly within three hours of Ocala, Florida. So, yes, Central Florida. Do not let this discourage you if you having a wedding in South Florida (my sister lives in Clearwater!, and I’m sure I can crash on her couch).


So! Florida couples.. lets talk about your Florida wedding and the photography I can provide for you! I’m so excited to meet you and can’t wait to hear all the details of your BIG day.
